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Time to go

June 17, 2012

Cleaning up any trace of Nan or her gay stormtroopers was the first item on my agenda – closely followed by get the fuck out of Bon Temps before The Authority shows up.

My King had seemed somewhat nonplussed as he called his progeny to let her know he’d been called away on business. Lies came easy to Bill Compton – well – to both of us for that matter. All part of being a Vampire that survived.

A brief thought flashed through my mind while using the wet vac to suck up the last traces of the Authority’s previous Spokesbitch – that thought – Pam. Things were not good between us and I was still seething at her deliberate disobedience and action that might have ended Sookie’s life. Should I care about that now? Now that Sookie had rejected all I had and would have given. Mulling that over just served to heighten my anger at the situation. I had opened up and let someone in – dared to love – to give myself completely. Something I had not done in centuries or arguably my whole existence…and for good reason – it made one vulnerable.

And then I’d felt it – Sookie’s fear jolting through the bond we now shared. Of course Bill had also felt it and was immediately ready to go to her aid. Not me – not this time. “Fuck Sookie”. Yes – it was my pride speaking up but also the voice of reason. If Bill and I wanted to survive we had no time to help the woman that had rejected us both. When the shot rang out and Bill sprang from his palace it was but a moment before I heard them and knew we were too late – The Authority was already there for us – under the honor of my station as Sheriff I had to help my King and so I exited the palace straight into a silver net.

Fucking silver

You never get used to the acidic burning of silver – it is a pain that cuts straight through and takes your strength with it – renders you helpless no matter how old or strong you may be – something I despise. I soon found out there was another thing I despised – being locked in a trunk – even worse – with Bill. For some reason the King thought we were being hauled in to be talked to – he was showing his age as well as naivety. The Authority was not in the habit of letting Vampires live that had been brought in by force for questioning – at least not any that I had known.

We had managed to maneuver an umbrella – pierce the gas tank and cause an explosion. In hindsight perhaps not the best of ideas but at least it worked. The explosion had slammed me into a chain link fence and my head spun – still weak from the earlier silvering. Once I heard Bill moaning I knew I had to get him out of there before anyone else got to him. How noble of him to tell me to go – does he truly not realize I am a Vampire of honor and would not leave my King to die – no matter what disagreements we may have had in the past?

Once again it looked as if we were going to be too late – one of the Authority members tasked with driving us in was pointing a gun at us. It only served to reason that the bullets were wooden tipped silver and meant instant destruction for Bill or me – but the shot never happened…

As the Vampire exploded I saw her holding the instrument of his true death – someone I had not seen in many years – far too long… Nora

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Marlene Emmett permalink
    June 17, 2012 4:36 pm

    Eric & Bill knew they had to get out of Bon Temp’s ASAP.
    They both felt Sookie’s being in Trouble but Eric’s pride & his heart
    were hurt from their last meeting and he didn’t care what happened?
    Maybe later on he’d care again,,,but not now.

  2. June 18, 2012 12:55 am

    Reblogged this on sisterlyauthority and commented:
    Hello, Eric….

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